Health Care

1) To help the AIDS patients with concern of medical assistances and routine way of healthy life cycle by providing them with good nutritious food & medicine
2) To ensure special care to autism special children & also providing good hospitality.
3) To provide, endow and establish Charitable Hospitals, dispensaries, Chemical laboratories and X-ray Institutions;, and to maintain and manage such establishments in all branches of science.
4) To employ surgical, medical and pharmaceutical officer, nurses, doctors and attendants and provide and supply to other charitable medical institutions and surgical pharmaceuticals.
5) To provide yoga and meditation activities.
6) To establish and run charitable hospitals, conduct health camps for the benefit ofpoor and deserving comniunity.
7) To establish blood bank, eye bank and to maintain Hospitals, science & technology and medical research foundations or schools and to register the name of Eye, Blood and organ donors or to purchase human eyes, organs or otherwise use and transplant the Eyes, organs and Blood to the needy persons.
8) To provide medical, legal aid and other facilities to displaced and affected persons.
9) To educate poor and needy people on health, nutrition, sanitation and personal hygiene.
10) To provide and maintain sanitary facilities for women and children and promote preventive measures affecting the health of women and children in the rural areal