
1) Establishing the environmental Institutes, Laboratories and Documentation Centre, Industrial training Centers for the self employment Scheme.

2) To construct, buy or acquire lands, buildings for the above institutions and also provide Hostels for students studying in the above institutions.

 3) To establish, maintain, run, develop and sponsor Schools, Teacher Training Schools, Colleges, Research Institutions, Universities, Polytechnics, Professional Institution, Industrial Schools, Medical and Medical Research foundations serving for the unit of the society without the differentiation of Castes, Religion and Language.

  4) To institute, establish, rent or maintain, libraries, book bank's and to donate to the existing libraries run by the educational institutions, either in the form of case or any way of books and provide space for running libraries and facilitate deserving students to buy books at concession or reduced rate or free of charge as the case may be.

   5) To purchase, construct, run, maintain and develop homes for the aged, orphans, handicapped, destitute and create community halls
   6) To build erect and construct and to aid and assist in the building erection and construction of house tenements and places of residence for the poor destitute and the handicapped in mind or body and to afford them all comforts and amenities.
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