Social Activities

1) To undertake all kinds of rescue, relief, resettlement and rehabilitation programs at the time to natural and other calamites and involuntary displacement.
2) To collaborate and cooperate with Government and Non-Government Organizations to undertake programs on common problems relating to Social Economic Development.
3) To establish, build or manage Hostels, Short Stay Homes, rehabilitation Centers, Shelters, Creches, :child Care Centre or Children's Home, orphanage, Counseling Centers; and Help Line centers for Women, children and Old aged persons, Drug addicts and needy persons.
4) To render and extend all possible helps for the Slum, Street and Abused children.
5) To conduct programs to awareness on AIDS, personal Hygiene.
6) To establish and run charitable hospitals, conduct health camps for the benefit ofpoor and deserving community.
7) To offer services to humanity in collaboration with Red Cross, WHO and other Indian International Society.
8) To educate youth in village in basic of first aid including basics of managing life threatening emergencies.
9) To co-operates with Local Bodies, Panchayat Union, Municipality, State or Central Government/Department of Public Health, WHO etc., in maters connected with drugs, public health and family planning, etc.,
10) To organize Blood donation camps and maintain Blood Bank
11) To provide accommodation, Food, Clothes and Free Education to Orphans without parents, Helpless boys and girls of depressed and downtrodden.
12) The arrange for reading, provide free clothes, environmental hygiene water booths and all welfare measures to uplift the dalit's, downtrodden, and weaker sections of the society.
13) To rehabilitate poor, down trodden, weaker sections of society, handicapped, Ex-Servicemen, and women by training, education, preparing for suitable jobs and arranging for self employment schemes.
14) To plan, promote, undertake and assist program's for agricultural, Animal husbandry, market, processing, supply and storage of agricultural products, small scale industry, cottage industry, Agro . industry, conduct survey, research study, and other activities which will enable men and women for their better living, help them to improve their standard of living.
15) To create and give stipend to the children of socially affected women.
16) To draw useful welfare schemes for the divorced women, socially backward women, women affected by some chronic incurable diseases, women affected by AIDS, women from Red Light Area.
17) To promote and encourage Primary Education, Training III Handicraft, Khadi and Cottages Industries, etc.,
18) To work for eradication of illiteracy among the rural people.
19) To render help through grants and contributions to any existing institution doing similar charitable activities or works.
20) To promote training needs and entrepreneurial skills for women entrepreneurs.
21) To self employment opportunities by employing women, physically challenged persons for manufacturing of simple chemicals, food and food associate products and market through them with no loss and no profit motive
22) To arrange, prepare and organize program's for the production and development of Khadi and Village Industries and conduct research and study of economic problems of different Village Industries.